In just a moment, I’m going to share a very personal story with you. However, before I do that, I just want to make one thing ABSOLUTELY crystal clear to you.
ANYONE can achieve an AMAZING physique.
Yes! Even YOU! Despite how much you may be doubting yourself right now.
In fact, I LOVE working with beginners and non-believers because it’s that much more satisfying when they CRUSH their goals in tremendous fashion and are left entirely mind blown!
And this is all while having their cake and eating it too. Literally!
Listen, you don’t have to be gifted with superhuman genetics, have an ultra-fast metabolism, have immeasurable amounts of willpower, follow an ultra strict and restrictive diet, or be even the least bit athletic to obtain an awesome physique.
In fact, I am very few of those things myself. And, yet, I’ve not only managed to achieve an amazing physique, but I’ve also been able to maintain it for years on end.
I have reached single digit body fat at several different points in my life. This is something I can actually do quite easily now, but is also something that I have absolutely no desire to maintain.
Instead, throughout most of the year, I much prefer to walk around at a very healthy, comfortable, and easily maintainable 10–12% body fat level with a great set of visible abs. And I’m able to do this while still enjoying ALL of the foods I love to eat.
But it wasn’t always like this…
In fact, for many years, I was in pretty much the complete opposite shape. I was in and out of the gym, constantly buying supplements to get me quick results (none of which worked), training inconsistently, yo-yo dieting, and doing excessive amounts of senseless machine cardio.
My weight bounced from one extreme to the next (I was 230 lb at my heaviest), month-to-month, season-to-season, and I had absolutely no goals, no inspiration, and no real direction.
To make things worse, I even had two sets of clothes; one for when I was being fat and lazy (harsh but true) and another for when I was more active and had my act together.
Fast forward to today and it’s a completely different scenario. First off, I’m happy to report, I now only have a single set of clothing and all of my oversized clothes have been donated.
Moreover, everywhere I go, people seem to think I’m either a personal trainer or a professional athlete. They’re even more surprised when they find out that my daily work has absolutely NOTHING to do with fitness at all.
And before I continue any further — please don’t get me wrong here — I’m not saying any of this to boast or brag; I’m telling you this to paint a very clear picture for you.
The reality is this: I actually run a digital marketing business — in fact, I built this very website that you’re browsing right now — and I’m sedentary for most of the day.
That’s right! Just like the average busy working individual with a standard office job, I spend anywhere from 8–12 hours per day, 5 days per week (or more), sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen.
In other words, if I can look like this, SO CAN YOU!
I’ve become the best physical version of myself despite the fact that my daily schedule is hectic, my career doesn’t seem to warrant it, and both my lifestyle and eating habits suggest that I should look otherwise. And I’ve done so in a very deliberate and highly systematic way.
The best part is that this has allowed me to create a teachable, repeatable system — the MyQuest Program. Our online fitness coaching program has not only worked for me, but has worked for countless others and will easily work for you, too.
It is now my personal quest (hence the clever company name, “MyQuest”) to utilize this program to help as many people as I can around the world discover their own paths to better health.
If you’re ready to become the best version of yourself, I’d be so happy if you gave me and my team the opportunity to help you with your MIND and BODY transformation.