And sure… I’m not CRAZY jacked or shredded like many of the fitness influencers on IG using performance-enhancing drugs, but that’s not the look I’m going for. And more than likely, neither are you!
I look great! I feel great! And I’m confident enough to take my shirt off at the beach. Win-win-win.
In addition, I’ve been able to MAINTAIN this physique for the past several years without a single hiccup. 💪
The best part? I actually work out less often now — 2 to 3 times per week (sometimes less) for an hour MAX — and I don’t have ANY food restrictions when it comes to my eating.
Burgers, pizza, and wine — you name it — are all things that I eat on a consistent basis and I have absolutely NO plans of eliminating them from my diet.
And as far as cardio is concerned, in the warmer months, I NEVER do steady-state machine cardio. Instead, I try to get a mile run in at least once per week and I ALWAYS get out on the weekends and go for a hike.
If I’m feeling especially ambitious, I’ll run hills and soak up some much needed vitamin D. 😎
So, why am I blabbering on and telling you about all of this? Because…
Here’s the real truth: You don’t need ANY more knowledge!!!
It’s not what you know; it’s how you apply what you know.
Stop copying what everyone else is doing on Instagram. Stop watching YouTube videos over and over again. Stop spending so much time reading science-based training and nutrition articles.
You also don’t need to buy any more supplements, train every single day or do countless hours of cardio, and — MOST IMPORTANTLY — you don’t need to give up ANY of your favourite foods or your entire social life to be fit!
What you DO need is a health and fitness plan that’s built for real life.
… and more specifically, YOUR life.
In retrospect, I definitely feel like it took me WAY too long to figure this all out, but as they say: